Theory and Applications of Ordinary Differential Equations
With an Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
Donald Trim, Ph.D.
The University of Manitoba 1032 Pages 2022 copyright
eBook: $39.95 3-hole punched loose-leaf: $59.95 Paperback: $69.95
Student Solutions Manual (1000 + Pages):
Digital: $19.95 Print: $39.95
5 quick things about this edition:
​ 1. The book is a well-balanced blend of theory, techniques, and applications.
The author has written the text so that instructors can choose to emphasize
whichever of these three aspects of differential equations is appropriate for
the course.
2. The author’s writing style will appeal to students. It replaces the stylized
language akin to technical papers and more advanced texts with smoothly flowing
discussions that students will find easy to follow. The author seems to know when
and what questions students will ask, and provides the answer at the appropriate
3. The text has plenty of exercises ranging from the routine (to test understanding
of basic subject matter) to challenging (for the enterprising student). Exercises
avoid the long and involved applications that few, if any, students are likely to
4. Partial differential equations is a vast area of study. The author gives thorough
treatments to the most prominent topics in any introductory course on partial
differential equations. Excerpts are replaced by complete discussions, leaving the
reader with a sense of mastery of each topic. Included are separation of variables on
homogeneous and nonhomogeneous problems in Cartesian coordinates, regular and
singular Sturm-Liouville systems, and separation in polar, cylindrical, and spherical
5. The complete solutions manual has been written and prepared by the
author so students can be assured that all exercises can be solved by techniques
discussed in the text.

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