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The Hermanson | Edwards Series
This highly respected and widely-used accounting textbook series was previously published by Richard D. Irwin, and then McGraw Hill-Irwin. The books are known for the careful work of the original authors, and the high level of development by the previous publishers. Textbook Media Press is delighted to offer these new editions, which have been thoroughly updated by Susan D. Hermanson, Ph.D.
Accounting Principles 10e Hermanson | Edwards | Hermanson
Managerial Accounting 10e Hermanson | Edwards | Hermanson
Financial Accounting 11e Hermanson | Edwards | Hermanson
The Accounting Cycle: A Primer Hermanson | Edwards | Hermanson
Accounting Information Systems
Signed, developed and published for seven editions by Cengage, our 10th edition offering for the A.I.S. course has quickly become one of our more popular books. In contrast to traditional accounting systems textbooks that assume an organization will develop its own accounting system and, therefore, emphasize systems development, this textbook gives students the theoretical foundation and skills they will need to conduct a requirements analysis, search for a commercial solution, and successfully implement the software package selected. Click on title for more info, and to order your review copy.
Accounting Information Systems 10e Heagy | Lehmann
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