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New Edition: 2020 Copyright


Business Law 3e

by Victor López, J.D., Esq.  Hofstra University


Digital options start at $39.95 | Print + Digital Bundles start at $54.95


Supplements:  Instructor's Manual | Test Item File formatted to be compatible with the major LMS platforms. 


New Supplement for 3e: 

Primer on Immigration Law and Compliance


3 Quick Things about 3e:

1. Adopters like the direct prose & realistic examples. Provides functional knowledge about the law to tomorrow’s executives and entrepreneurs. 3e includes a new chapter on immigration law.


2. End of chapter hypothetical cases that help to stimulate critical thinking, test students’ understanding of key points and stimulate classroom discussion; End of unit case excerpts that can be assigned for students to brief, critique and discuss in class​


3. Developed and previously published by McGraw Hill,  López has developed a loyal following among instructors. This  book is one of the  best value propositions in the market.

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Request a Digital Review Copy*


* Suggested for initial consideration, if you are so inclined. Digital samples help keep our prices affordable.
If you like what you see, but prefer print, we're happy to follow up with a paperback copy.
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Textbook Media Press

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