New Edition! Recently Published...
Principles of Economics: Economics and the Economy 5e
Timothy Taylor Journal of Economic Perspectives; Macalester College
Digital Options start at $39.95 Print + Digital Bundles start at $54.95
3 Quick Things things about the Taylor Economic Series:
· Used by over 200 instructors and arguably the most clearly written book on the market
· Taylor is a mainstream; he covers all the main topics in a balanced way, and writes about the subject with no ideological ax to grind
· Focus on helping students solve problems: Taylor walks students through the problem-solving process
​3 Quick Things things about 5e: ​
· New examples of high-profile topics; Taylor consistently builds connections between the concepts in the text and the economic events of the last few years
· Taylor has provided a complete updating of numerical graphs, as well as statistics and examples throughout
· 5e is available in a web-assignment platform; with additional problem-material, graphing and auto-graded assignments

“Tim Taylor’s Principles is an excellent introductory text, with solid content comparable to that of far more expensive texts. Our students find it a most helpful learning aid and also deeply appreciate its relatively low cost.”
- William J. Murphy New England Institute of Technology
More on 5e:
Book Info | T.O.C. | Sample Chapter
Note: web-based assessments and grade-book apps in premium eBook version: just $64.95
Instructor Supplements: Instructor Manual; Test Item File (Formatted for the major LMS platforms); PowerPoint Lecture Slides; Web-based Assignments
Student Supplements: Study Guide-Problem Sets; Lecture Guide; Web-based Assignments; Quizlet Study Set
*For initial review only. Digital samples help to keep our costs down and our textbooks affordable. Thanks for understanding. If you like what you see, but prefer print for a closer review, we'll follow up with a paperback review copy.